RDmoto アールディーモト ガード・スライダー クラッシュスライダー【Crash sliders】 Colour:black polyamid Colour:silver aluminium anodized
Colour:black polyamid / Colour:blue aluminium anodizedはこちらColour:white polyamid / Colour:blue aluminium anodizedはこちらColour:black polyamid / Colour:gold aluminium anodizedはこちらColour:white polyamid / Colour:gold aluminium anodizedはこちらColour:black polyamid / Colour:black aluminium anodizedはこちらColour:white polyamid / Colour:black aluminium anodizedはこちらColour:black polyamid / Colour:green aluminium anodizedはこちらColour:white polyamid / Colour:green aluminium anodizedはこちらColour:black polyamid / Colour:orange aluminium anodizedはこちらColour:white polyamid / Colour:orange aluminium anodizedはこちらColour:black polyamid / Colour:red aluminium anodizedはこちらColour:white polyamid / Colour:red aluminium anodizedはこちらColour:white polyamid / Colour:silver aluminium anodizedはこちら※リンク先に商品がない場合、すでに完売している商品となります。
Maximum protection of your motorcycle.Original design.Duralumin bracket for slider.Made from polyamid removable AL covers.Price is for full fitting kit including protectors and covers.Colour:black polyamid Colour:silver aluminium anodized■適合車種▼TRIUMPHSpeed Triple 1050 S/R 2016- ■詳細説明Maximum protection of your motorcycle thanks to the sliding effect provided by unique design of our Slider.Very steady gripPossibility of rotation of the protector to copy the design of your bike7 removable color capsPerfect craftmanship and best materials for maximum protectionWhite or Black colorMade of black polyamide using the latest technologies.Our crash protectors are tested both in regular traffic conditions on the road and on the racing tracks by racing teams. This gives us the experience and feedback to develop the optimal technical solution so that our protectors provide excellent protection of motorcycle in the event of a fall. Each protector passes through quality of control and processing. Durability and functionality of our protectors can be seen in the "CRASH TEST" part of this website.Mouting kits are manufactured with respect to several aspects of the specific motorycle. We always try to design the set so that it provides maximum protection while minizining potential damanges and support the look of the motorcycle.All crash protectors are manufactured from high-quality materials and thanks to modern manufacturing methods we are able to offer them at reasonable costs.【参考訳】あなたのオートバイの最大限の保護は、スライダーのユニークなデザインによってもたらされる滑り効果のおかげです。
- 商品価格:17,494円
- レビュー件数:0件
- レビュー平均:0.0(5点満点)
ケーブル 関連ツイート
@toranosuke02 2018/10/02 03:08
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@soLotude_jp 2018/10/02 03:09
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@AmzJpNewRelease 2018/10/02 02:59
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